Asset 2 Conferences

Looking back at ABLS18

12 March 2018

Oliver Stegle (EMBL-EBI, UK) closed the first morning with his work on single-cell transcriptomics. ‘Having your cake and eating it too’ by Michael MacCoss (University of Washington, US), this was a very nice start of the proteomics session on the second conference day. Ines Thiele (University of Luxembourg) amazed the audience with the Virtual Metabolic Human. Yana Bromberg (Rutgers University, US), closed the conference with a deeper understanding of microbiomes.

In addition over 80 young scientists presented their poster during one of the posters sessions. Michiel Stock (Ghent University, BE) and Gaspar Pinto (International Centre for Clinical Research, CZ) were the lucky winner of the poster prizes sponsored by Protein Data Bank Europe and VIB conference series.

VIB conferences would like to thank the OC, the speakers, sponsors and of course the great audience! Visit Facebook for pictures about the conference and keep an eye on our calendar if you want to attend a next edition!

Testimonial of attendee

“Overall, the conference was just amazing starting from the location to the friendliness of the OC and the great lineup of speakers. Congratulations really and wish you more successful events.”

ABLS18 impressions
ABLS18 speaker photo