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Lucia Smit

Braingain, BE

Doctor Lucia Smit is a professional career guide for researchers. After finishing her dissertation on the careers of PhDs in the private sector at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2010, she started to guide researchers in their careers and developed several tools to optimise their placement in a non-academic context. Lucia is owner of Braingain. She has an extensive track record in guiding researchers in their career transitions and professional growth. More info at

Dr. Lucia Smit is moderator for:

The power of networking - Discover your networks

7 out of 10 people find their new job through their network. Many of us do not like networking. We consider networking to be attending conferences and receptions and exchanging business cards. But networking is so much more than that. Networking starts with sharing your career aspirations with your environment, socially and professionally. When you present yourself to new crowds what do you reveal about yourself and how do others perceive you? How do you connect with others in real life and virtually? What is the role of social media? In this workshop you will learn how you can connect with others, how you build out an elevator pitch and work on a consistent personal brand. You will discover that it is not so difficult to find new contacts in organizations that you are curious about.

What to do after my PhD - Discover your talents

Nowadays you hear a lot about talent acquisition and talent management. But what are talents? And how do talents differ from competences? Talents are closely related to your core qualities, your personal character traits. Tasks that energize you are closely related to your talents. In this workshop you will discover your talents with the help of Insights Discovery. Insights Discovery is a simple four colour model that helps people understand more about themselves and others. You will learn more about your strengths and weaknesses and how you can use these insights in career transitions.