Asset 2 Conferences

Marion Bérard

Institut Pasteur, FR

Marion Berard is Veterinarian and Deputy Head of the Central Animal Facility of the Institut Pasteur, in Paris, France. She is the director of the Centre for Gnotobiology of the Institut Pasteur (CGIP). She is one of the founding members and coordinator of the European Consortium for Gnotobiology ( and part of the INFRAFRONTIER 2020 project and microbiome research (

She received her D.V.M. degree from the National Veterinary School of Lyon, France (1994), her PhD in Immunology and her degree in Industrial Management from the University of Lyon, France (2000). She started specializing in Laboratory Animal Science and Technology during her postdoctoral fellowship (2000), and then as an animal facility manager (2002-2006).

After her PhD at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM U404, Lyon) where she studied humoral immunity in Human, using ex vivo and in vitro experimental models (1995-2000), she joined The Edward Jenner Institute for Vaccine Research (Compton, England) where she studied T lymphocytes memory, using mouse in vivo and in vitro models (2000-2002). She was then recruited as one of the managers of the animal facilities of the Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) where she was directly in charge of four facilities, among which two were biosecurity level 3 facilities (2002-2006). There, she also initiated and led the project aimed at characterizing laboratory rodents’ flora in collaboration with Charles River Laboratories. From 2006 to 2008, she worked for Charles River Laboratories, where she was Biosecurity Manager for France and Belgium, and Veterinary & Scientific Manager for Research Animal Diagnostic Services Europe.

She has been the president of the French Association for Laboratory Animal Science (“AFSTAL”) between 2008 and 2010. She is an active member of different international organizations related to the sciences of laboratory animals:

. Member of the editorial board of the journal Laboratory Animals Limited (section editor for small animal models) and member of their council of management,
. Scientific/union member of the International Council for Laboratory Animals Science (ICLAS) Governing Board,
. AAALAC council member.

She is also involved as organizer and/or speaker in several French/European training activities and programmes.

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