Asset 2 Conferences
Loose Matt - profile picture

Matt Loose

University of Nottingham, UK

Prof. Matt Loose is based at the School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham. A developmental biologist and bioinformatician, he also heads up DeepSeq, the University of Nottingham next-generation sequencing service. The DeepSeq lab is equipped with MinION, GridION and now PromethION. DeepSeq actively encouraged Nottingham Academics to apply to join the Nanopore Community and, in return, supported participants with both library prep and bioinformatics, and led to the development of tools including MinoTour and also working on Read Until. Matt was initially interested in the generation of long-reads to sequence novel genomes alongside real-time analysis of MinION data. To that end he recently co-led with Prof Nick Loman the sequencing and assembly of the first reference human genome on the MinION. DeepSeq also had a small urn in their possession for a short period of time representing the longest read sequenced. They are working hard to get it back…

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