Asset 2 Conferences
Ricroch Agnès - Profile picture - VIB Conferences

Agnès Ricroch

Académie d'Agriculture, FR

Agnès Ricroch is the secretary of the life Sciences section of the Academy of Agriculture of France. She is associate professor in Evolutionary Genetics and Plant Breeding at AgroParisTech, France. She carries out her research at the Idest (Institute of Law, Space and technologies) of the Paris-Saclay University on applications in agri-sector of genomic editing techniques and the intellectual property. She holds a PhD in Genetic Resources and Plant Breeding and holds the Accreditation to Supervise Research in Genetics (Orsay University). She is adjunct professor at Pennsylvania State University, College of Agricultural Sciences, USA since 2012. She was an Invited Professor at University of Melbourne, Australia. She is editor of six books on plant biotechnologies. She is the laureate 2012 prize of the Limagrain Foundation of Academy of Agriculture of France. She is member of the Society of Writers of France. In 2015, she was recognized as a key woman in biotechnology law and regulation worldwide and became a member of the Directory of Women in Biotechnology. She is a member of the Animal Ethics Group of the French Veterinary Order since 2018. She is a knight of the Legion of Honor in France since 2019.

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