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Alexander Buell

Technical University of Denmark (DTU), DK

Alexander K. Buell is professor of protein biophysics at the Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine of the Technical University of Denmark, DTU. He studied General and Physical Chemistry in Tübingen, Paris and Sydney, followed by a PhD in the biophysics of protein aggregation in the Nanoscience Centre at the University of Cambridge, UK. After his PhD, he obtained research fellowships to continue his work on medically-relevant protein aggregation in the Chemistry department of the University of Cambridge with Christopher Dobson and Tuomas Knowles. From 2015 to 2019, he was assistant professor of physical biology at the University of Düsseldorf, and in 2019 he accepted a full professorship at DTU. His research focus is the understanding and control of protein solubility, assembly and aggregation in health, biotechnology and food. Alexander’s group develops and applies biophysical and physico-chemical methods and concepts to processes, such as liquid-liquid phase separation, amyloid fibril formation and amorphous aggregation. In 2023, Alexander was awarded the Danish EliteForsk award as well as an ERC consolidator grant.

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