Asset 2 Conferences
Wendik Bjorn - VIB Conferences - Speaker picture

Björn Wendik

Business Development Manager, Bruker Daltonics, US

Björn studied biology at the University of Würzburg and University of Freiburg with focus on developmental biology. In Freiburg he did his PhD working on motoneuron development and pancreas formation. He became an expert on life cell imaging, timelapse studies and 3d-image software analyses. He continued his work as Lecturer at the University of Freiburg where he also took care of parts of the Imaging core facility. When stepping into industry, he worked as a specialist for confocal microscopy and from there moved on into multispectral imaging, antibody based multi- and hiplexing and tissue analysis platforms. With this expertise, Björn started as a Business Development Manager for the MALDI Imaging at Bruker in July 2023.

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