Asset 2 Conferences
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Florian Jug

Research Group Leader and Head of Facility Fondazione Human Technopole, IT

Dr. Florian Jug holds a PhD in Computational Neuroscience from the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science at ETH Zurich, who later moved into image data analysis at the Max-Planck Institute CBG in Dresden. He has recently moved to the Fondazione Human Technopole, where his team is pushing the boundary of what AI and machine learning can do to better analyze and quantify biological data. Dr. Jug’s team covers the full breadth of bio-image computing, from research on novel methods for computer vision and machine learning, all the way to offering bio-image analysis as a service.

Florian Jug is a strong proponent of open access science, open AI and ML methods, and open source software. His team is a core contributor to Fiji (~100,000 active users) and collaboratively develops open methods such as CARE, Noise2Void, PN2V, DivNoising, etc. He organizes scientific conferences (e.g the I2K conference), workshops (e.g. the BIC workshops at top-tier computer vision conferences) and various practical courses on machine learning for bio-image analysis (e.g. DL@MBL in Woods Hole) or microscopy (e.g. Quantitative Imaging at Cold Spring Harbor).

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