Asset 2 Conferences
Olweus Johanna - VIB Conferences - profile picture

Johanna Olweus

Oslo University Hospital, NO

Johanna Olweus is Professor at the University of Oslo and Head of Department of Cancer Immunology, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital. She is an MD, PhD by training (University of Bergen) with a medical specialty in clinical immunology. Her training in transplantation immunology inspired her to work towards the goal of utilizing the powerful immune responses of graft-versus-tumor-reactivity and graft rejection to reject cancer cells in a targeted way. Olweus is pursuing this concept in her ERC Consolidator Grant project “Outsource”. Olweus was Director of the K.G. Jebsen Center for Cancer Immunotherapy 2013-19. The ambition to develop therapeutic TCRs directed at novel targets will be pursued further in the newly opened (Research Council of Norway) Center of Excellence PRIMA – the PRecision Immunotherapy Alliance (2023 – 2033), for which Olweus is Director.

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