Asset 2 Conferences
Velten Lars - VIB Conferences

Lars Velten

Centre for Genomic Regulation, ES

Lars Velten is a computational and experimental biologist interested in the differentiation of blood stem cells and gene regulation. During his PhD at EMBL, he was among the first to apply single cell RNA-seq to profile hematopoiesis. He then went on to characterize alternations in blood cell differentiation during leukemia, and in parallel developed a research line on gene regulation in the hematopoietic system, where he combined CRISPR-based genetic screens with single cell RNA-seq readouts. Since 2020, he heads a group at the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain. His group works at the interface of single cell genomics and functional screening approaches to characterize gene regulation and differentiation in the hematopoietic system in health and disease.

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