Asset 2 Conferences
TEMP Luecken Malte - VIB Conferences profile picture

Malte Luecken

Helmholtz Munich, DE

Malte is a group leader at the institutes for Lung Health & Immunity and the Institute of Computational Biology at Helmholtz Munich. Malte's foundational studies were in Physics at the University of Warwick before he transitioned to working in computational biology, undertaking a PhD in network biology at the University of Oxford. After a stint in Pharma R&D at UCB Pharma in Belgium, he now works at the interface of machine learning and single-cell genomics at Helmholtz Munich. At Helmholtz Munich, he leads the integrative genomics lab, which uses machine learning and single-cell technologies to build population-level reference atlases and derive patient-level insights from these atlases that can be translated to clinical applications. A critical component of this process is setting up infrastructure for the analysis of large-scale single-cell and spatial datasets. The Luecken lab applies these approaches to study the healthy lung, and various diseases including COVID-19, COPD, and interstitial lung disease.

Malte is also a co-founder of the living benchmarking project Open Problems in Single-cell Analysis, which aims to formalize tasks in single cell data science and set quality standards for the evaluation of these tasks.

At the Human Cell Atlas, Malte leads the integration team, focusing on building integrated single-cell reference atlases for HCA Bionetwork organs and tissues.

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