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Raphaël Marée

ULiege, BE

Raphaël Marée received the PhD degree in computer science (machine learning) in 2005 at the University of Liege, Belgium. While in charge of the GIGA bioinformatics core facility, he initiated the development of the collaborative Cytomine web software in 2010 and he is now Head of Cytomine Research & Development ( His research interests are in web software development, open science, machine/deep learning for image recognition, and their applications to biomedical imaging and other fields that involve big image datasets. He recently co-supervised the development of the BIAFLOWS web platform for reproducible image analysis and benchmarking ( during the NEUBIAS project ( He is also co-leading software development workpackages for EU projects - COMULIS for correlative multimodal imaging (, and BigPicture for digital pathology

( - where Cytomine web tool is playing a central role.

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