Asset 2 Conferences
TEMP Sarah Marzi - VIB Conferences - Speaker picture

Sarah Marzi

King's College London, UK

Sarah Marzi is a Senior Lecturer at the UK Dementia Research Institute at King's College London and Honorary Senior Lecturer within the Department of Brain Sciences at Imperial College London. Her research focusses on epigenetic regulation in neurodegenerative disease, specifically studying the molecular drivers of ALS, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. The Marzi lab uses a combination of wet lab and computational genomics approaches to understand the regulatory consequences of environmental and genetic risk factors of neurodegenerative disease. Dr Marzi leads the Experimental Models Working Group of the DEMON network.

Dr Marzi graduated in mathematics and psychology from the University of Freiburg, Germany, before undertaking a PhD at King's College London. Her work looked at epigenetic signatures in human brain associated with ageing and neurodegeneration, as well as DNA modifications associated with early-life stress and victimisation. She identified widespread differences in histone acetylation in Alzheimer's disease compared to neuropathology-free brain, linking these epigenetic marks with genetic risk burden and gene expression signatures.

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