Asset 2 Conferences
Brocard, Lysiane - VIB Conferences

Lysiane Brocard

Université de Bordeaux, FR

After completing a PhD in France at the “l’institut du végétal” and a position of research engineer at the “institut de Génétique et développement de Rennes”, Lysiane Brocard obtained a position at the Bordeaux University in 2010 as the technical manager of the plant facility of the Bordeaux Imaging Center (BIC). From 2013, she began to implement the electron tomography on plant tissues to access to the ultrastructure in 3-D of specific plant organelles such as plasmodesmata, lipid droplet and trans Golgi Network. From 2017, with her team, they began work on adapting the CLEM approaches on plant samples to gain access to the ultrastructure of the graft interface. For that, she adapted the Kukulski’s In Resin Fluorescence method for plant tissues. Now, in order to increase the explored volume by CLEM, they began to implement array tomography approaches on plant tissues.

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